Faith Formation
Children and Youth Education
Here at St. Timothy, we aim to teach everyone in our care about the amazing love of God! Here are the Sunday School programs we currently offer:
Faith Basics I - Age 3 to grade 2; meets after the children's message until the end of worship.
Faith Basics II - Grade 3 to grade 5; ; meets after the children's message until the end of worship.
Faith Foundations - Grade 6 to grade 8; meets after worship or on weeknights.
Faith Maturity / Confirmation Track - Grade 9 and up; meets with Pastor Adam.
Sunday School does not meet between early June and mid-September. During the summer, we also hold a week-long Vacation Bible School for children age 4 through grade 4 in the evenings. Our 2024 VBS was a blast - we hope you can join us next year!
Adult Education
Bible Study will resume on March 6th and run on Thrusdays at 1 PM through Lent.